How to install wordpress. How to create WordPress website

WHow to build a wordpress website.

Hello friend, can I make a website on wordpress? Yes, of course you can. I am Raju Pandit, today we are going to learn how to create a website on WordPress, so we are going to talk about this, in today’s time, everyone can create their own website and earn money online by writing a blog on it. wants toSo there are many ways to earn money online but we will create a website on WordPress and through that website we will earn money, how to install WordPress and how to create a website on WordPress, how you have to select a domain name, from where you hosting You have to bay in all the informationI will tell you, stay on this article of ours.

Content found on this blog.

  • What is wordpress website.
  • How to create WordPress website.
  • What do I have to do to make my website.

How to make a blog.

  • What should be in a good website.
  • What is a good website design.
  • Who is the best website.
  • How to earn money from website.

•Should I start a website?

What is the first page of the website called?

What is wordpress website.

How to create a WordPress website.

WordPress is a tool with the help of which you can design the website, like we have to create a page inside the website, how will be the thim of our website, we can design it accordingly and which page to show on the home page, which page To remove means the whole process of designing the websiteIt remains with us, we can give a good look to the WordPress website as per our wish and by giving a good look, our website looks very good and gradually people start visiting our website, so that we can earn money from the WordPress website. How to build a wordpress website.

How to create WordPress website.

How to make WordPress step by step. How to Start a WordPress website!

First of all you have to buy a hosting. If you have not bought hosting, then you can click on this link and know how to buy hosting.

How to install wordpress.

  • If you have not bought hosting, then you can buy and after buying hosting, you have to login inside your hosting C panel, which C pannel hosting company provides to you. ।
  • Now on C pannal you have to click on the search option and in the search bar you have to type wordpress, after that the wordpress option starts showing up, then you click on that wordpress option.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you. Inside which you can feel some basic information.
  • Now blue color install button will be visible in front of you, click on that install button.

•Select protocol. Select Permalink Security Agent on Blog, without www, http:// or https://, you can select any of these if you have installed SSL certificate then https://, if SSL certificate is not installed what so you can listen http://

  • Now you have to select the domain name on which domain name you want to install very annoying store wordpress.
  • If you want to install wordpress along with the main domain, then you can also leave it and click on the next option and go to the next page.
  • Now enter the name of your website. And about the website we have to write some 5 or 6 lines description about what we will blog about.

Now your WordPress website is installed, now you can make it public on Google by writing a blog on it.

What do I need to do to build my website?

You will have to buy hosting to make your wordpress website and you can install wordpress on top of hosting which is a very good platform, by this you keep designing your website, if you do the work of hosting and wordpress, then you will get a lot on YouTube. all videos get how you guysWill write and what knowledge do we need to write a blog, then you keep searching somewhere else to get all the information about it.

How to earn money from website. How to earn money on website

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To earn money from the website, you have to take Google Adsense approval, to get approval, you have to write 10 to 15 blogs on your website and upload them on Google, you have to write blogs in such a way that you can rank on Google and write good blogs. Only after this you will get the approval of Google Adsense ifIf you do not write a good blog, then you may face problems regarding getting Google Adsense approval.

So now you must have understood the whole process that how to make a website on wordpress and how to earn money from the website and what is wordpress and how to work on wordpress, how to make a website on wordpress, you got the answer to all these questions. If you want to read this post too then you can readAre.

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